Posts Tagged ‘public relations’

Make Volunteers Your PR Agents

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

How do you share the story of the impact your volunteers and organization has on the community? Committed volunteers can be your organization’s best public relations agents, so why not involve your volunteers in community outreach? Volunteers help to convey a positive image of your organization’s work that, with some preparation, can be consistent with your public relations policies.

Read on for 11 tips to create a integrated & supportive volunteer involvement PR strategy.

  • Meet on a regular basis to discuss ways that volunteers can be useful in helping the organization garner attention and attract in-kind support.
  • Brainstorm targeted marketing ideas to find appropriate volunteer candidates.
  • Consider creating volunteer-driven marketing surveys to asses your organization’s image in the community.
  • Invite you organization’s volunteers to contribute to web content, be it a blog, social channel, or website, by keeping information updated, posting blog entries on a regular basis, and submitting stories and photographs.
  • Zero in on volunteers who effectively utilize social media and collaborate to develop ways for your organization to make full use of online opportunities.
  • Develop an ongoing calendar of important events and dates advertised to the public. Consider comparing and coordinating community outreach schedules and events to allow employees to share work and distribution of materials with volunteers.
  • Communicate and identify new community needs.
  • Share compelling public interest stories about the impact your volunteers have on their community to be shared with the public and key constituents.
  • In recognition of committed volunteers, develop ways to train select volunteers to be effective spokespeople. Consider targeting current volunteers with a social circle of new contacts in diverse and hard to reach spheres.
  • Have a game plan. Work together to develop a strategy to rebuild community support after a controversial incident.
  • Connect with your organization’s volunteers regularly as allies. Work together to highlight your organization’s range of services and it’s need for volunteers or other resources.

Do you utilize volunteers in your organization’s public relations strategy? Tell us how, in the comments below!