Posts Tagged ‘Service Tag’

Are you up for the Challenge? Get HandsOn!

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

What if more people raised their hands to help young people succeed?

To protect our environment?

To ensure the economic well-being of our friends and neighbors?

To help our communities prepare for and recover from disasters?

Surely we could collectively achieve incredible impact on some of our most pressing challenges.

If you’re here, reading this, chances are you already recognize your own capacity to organize projects that create change.

Are you willing to challenge your friends to step up their service game and become the leaders they’ve been waiting for?

Let’s Get HandsOn…

Let’s start with something fun…

"volunteer"Let’s play Service Tag, the biggest game of virtual tag ever played.

Different than the game we played as kids, this game of Tag has a much higher purpose – community impact.

How does it work?

Sign up to play by making a pledge to volunteer in your community. It can be something you are already doing or something you have always wanted to do. And if you don’t know where to get started we can help.

Tag two (or more) friends that you know could be active volunteer leaders because they have shown a commitment to giving back.

Get serving by starting (or continuing) your volunteer activity and share your story with the online service leaders community.

You can also see what others are doing and join other people’s projects!

So… TAG!

You’re it!


TAG! You’re It!

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Tag is a game that brings back memories of running willy-nilly around the playground, chasing after your friends.

If I’m remembering correctly, there wasn’t much reasoning to the whole thing, no points scored, no winning…. just trying your hardest to tag your friends …and maybe that cute boy in the 4th grade.

Now let’s jump ahead to today.

Adults aren’t really known for playing tag… come to think of it haven’t seen many kids playing it either.

But what if we had a TAG revival ….brought it into the 21st century, jazzed it up a bit…and threw in a healthy dose of social conscience?

Welcome to Service Tag!

As the first of the Get HandsOn challenges, Service Tag will be the world’s largest game of virtual tag,and in this game the way to win is by doing good.

Once “You’re It,” you’ll get into the game by tagging anyone you know who is doing good things in your community – anything from setting up a volunteer tutoring service for the young students in your neighborhood, to volunteering at your local HandsOn Action Center… whatever you can do to take action that makes positive change.

Playing TAG also means being part of the Get HandsOn Community.

Through the portal you can meet up with other Service Leaders, get great ideas for service projects, and bookmark that TAG Leaderboard page to see where you rank on the list of Tag Masters!

The community interacts with Facebook and Twitter, so all your friends and followers will see the good work you’re doing.

Try it right now – go ahead – get out that smart phone and text yours, or a friend’s email, to … or head over to to start tagging!

Look, it’s time you used that phone for something other than watching the latest Lady Ga-Ga video (don’t even try to tell me you don’t have “Alejandro” on your phone – you know you do).

Use it to bring the game of TAG back to life – and make the game MEAN something.

What are you waiting for? Tag, YOU’RE IT… now show us what you can do.