Posts Tagged ‘social media games’

Learning from Playing Tag

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

David RayToday’s post comes from David Ray, Chief Strategy and Public Policy Officer for Points of Light Institute.

About a week and a half ago ago we launched the updated Get HandsOn Campaign website and the Tag Service Challenge–our first social media outreach campaign.  We approached this effort in the spirit of “launching and learning.”  We’d done our homework and gotten some good advice from folks who had staged similar efforts.  We’d set goals and established metrics against which we’d measure our progress but we knew going in that we didn’t have all the answers.  So in that spirit over this and the coming social media challenges we’ll launch I’ll periodically share what we’re learning and the questions we’re trying to answer.  I hope we can learn together.

As of this morning (Tuesday, November 9) we’ve topped 2,100 people who’ve signed up for the campaign.  To be honest, we’d hoped to be growing at a more rapid pace but then again, we’ve never done this before.  We’re not the Pepsi Refresh Project.  Similar in some ways, yes, but we’re not asking people to give their own money or vote for how to allocate someone else’s.  We’re asking people to commit their time and talents, join an online community, and then Tag others to do the same.  So, is 2,100 members roughly 12 days into Tag good, bad or just about right? Are there other efforts we should be benchmarking ourselves against?


Get HandsOn Tag Challenge Update!

Yesterday’s Get HandsOn Tag Master was Lindsey Weissman!  Lindsey has won a pair of round trip tickets on JetBlue, $25 for themself, and $100 for their favorite charity!

Today’s Celebrity Tag is !  Tag Dave for swag!

Are YOU up to the challenge?