Posts Tagged ‘Summer of Service’

Summer of Service Before Its Back to School

Monday, July 11th, 2011

During the month of July, the last thing on the minds of most kids is heading back to school and hitting the books. While families are soaking up these last weeks of summer, keep in mind the school bus days are just around the corner and before you know it, the store shelves will all be overflowing with colored pencils and composition books.

But there is more than enough time left to get the kids involved in a few acts of service during their break. Keeping them excited and ensuring the spirit of volunteerism can’t just be limited to the day their school dedicated to community service. There is always work to be done, always someone we can reach out to and lend a helping hand.

Be creative! It may help to think about things we often take for granted. For example, school supply shopping. Just think! If everyone in the neighborhood, purchased an extra backpack and filled it with a few supplies for someone else, a student whose family may be at an economic disadvantage will have a need filled.

Let the kids take the reins and decide what a schoolmate may need. Be sure to explain the reason we give to others and encourage them to think of new ways they can help others. Then, coordinate with schools and teachers as they may have a better idea of those students in need of materials.

We invite you to share some other ideas for service projects that kids come up with in hopes that they will inspire more youth to take initiative as well. Whether its donating outgrown clothing and shoes or bringing lunch to senior citizens, lets bring in the school year the right way by celebrating summer through service!