Posts Tagged ‘Susan Morrissette’

The Heart of America

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

by Susan Morissette, Executive Director, Heart of America Quilt

In 1989 President Bush called on me.

“The old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in.”

In 2001 I began a quilt in the form of a US Flag that allowed children to express their concerns for victims of 9/11.

Over the years I found that it was not only our children that needed to feel helpful. Our Nation, in fact our world, needed that unity.

The little quilt my family started is now over an acre when displayed and near a ton of fabric. Former Governor Jeb Bush added a portion to this quilt along with hundreds of thousands of people around the world that have signed in unity to honor.

In 2002 a woman I had never met in person, nominated me for the Daily Point of Light Award. I received news I was selected while returning to Maine after a “Make a Difference Day” spent visiting survivors at the Pentagon.

I am not brave enough to serve in our Military. I will never wear my awards upon my chest but as a Daily Point of Light I wear my service on my heart. It is a constant knowledge that I have a sense of duty, sacrifice, commitment and patriotism.

This award has given me a pride and confidence to continue to serve and encourage others to do the same.

My volunteers receive recognition for their hard work with the Presidential Volunteer Service Awards and this year, I am honored to be nominated for the L’Oreal Women of Worth award for my work in creating the National Community Service Education Project.

For the past 9 years I have worked as volunteer executive director of what is now the worlds largest quilted US Flag. I continue to volunteer and serve for the same reason that the Point of Light Institute continues to be such a Point of Light. Unity for Mankind.When the chips are down, people come together. I have one acre of visual proof. The guidance of POLI helps people unite for the common purpose to help mankind. It has become our light house.

I have mentioned a few things this evening- Make a Difference Day, Daily Point of Light Award, Presidential Volunteer Service Awards, L’Oreal Woman of Worth Award and my story. They all have one thing that united them in the common purpose to help mankind- the Points of Light Institute.

I am one of many thousand points of light.

Thank you.

God bless you all, and God Bless America.