Posts Tagged ‘Volunteer Management’

The Nine Basic Rules for Volunteer Recognition

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Consider these 9 rules for volunteer recognition when planning a recognition effort:

1. Recognize . . . or else — The need for recognition is very important to most people. If volunteers do not get recognition for productive participation, it is likely that they will feel unappreciated and may stop volunteering with your program.

2. Give it frequently — Recognition has a short shelf life. Its effects start to wear off after a few days, and after several weeks of not hearing anything positive, volunteers start to wonder if they are appreciated. Giving recognition once a year at a recognition banquet is not enough.

3. Give it via a variety of methods — One of the implications of the previous rule is that you need a variety of methods of showing appreciation to volunteers.

4. Give it honestly — Don’t give praise unless you mean it. If you praise substandard performance, the praise you give to others for good work will not be valued. If a volunteer is performing poorly, you might be able to give him honest recognition for his effort or for some personality trait.

5. Recognize the person, not just the work — This is a subtle but important distinction. If volunteers organize a fund-raising event, for example, and you praise the event without mentioning who organized it, the volunteers may feel some resentment. Make sure you connect the volunteer’s name to it.

6. Give it appropriately to the achievement — Small accomplishments should be praised with low-effort methods, large accomplishments should get something more. For example, if a volunteer tutor teaches a child to spell “cat” today we could say “Well done!” If she writes a grant that doubles our funding, a banner lauding her accomplishment might be more appropriate.

7. Give it consistently — If two volunteers are responsible for similar achievements, they ought to get similar recognition. If one gets her picture in the lobby and another gets an approving nod, the latter may feel resentment. This does not mean that the recognition has to be exactly the same but that it should be the result of similar effort on your part.

8. Give it on a timely basis — Praise for work should come as soon as possible after the achievement. Don’t save up your recognition for the annual banquet. If a volunteer has to wait months before hearing any word of praise, she may develop resentment for lack of praise in the meantime.

9. Give it in an individualized fashion — Different people like different things. One might respond favorably to football tickets, while another might find them useless. Some like public recognition; others find it embarrassing. In order to provide effective recognition, you need to get to know your volunteers and what they will respond to positively.

Plan your volunteer recognition strategy with this easy to use worksheet!

How to Manage Volunteers at a Community Project

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

You want to make your community volunteer project such a great experience that volunteers return again and again.

To make your project one that volunteers will love, think about your project from their perspective.

  • What made your volunteers want to sign up for this project?
  • What information did they receive in advance? Was it accurate? Did they understand what they would be doing? What they should wear?  What they should bring?
  • Did they know ahead of time if refreshments would be provided or if they should bring them for themselves?
  • If they had questions was it easy to get accurate and complete answers?
  • Did they feel like their participation was enthusiastically received?
  • When they arrived, what did they see?
  • Did they know where to go when they arrived? Were they greeted?
  • After arriving at the project site, did they receive clear directions on what to do?
  • Did they understand why this work was important to the agency/school?
  • Is what’s being asked of them reasonable? Is it safe and do they have the capability to do it?
  • Was the project well organized?
  • Did the volunteers feel like they accomplished something? Contributed in a meaningful way?
  • Was it fun?
  • Did someone check on them after they started working? Was there someone readily available to answer questions?
  • Was there enough work to do and adequate materials and supplies to complete the work?
  • Was there a place the volunteers could go to take a break, get something to drink, warm up, or cool down?
  • If the volunteers didn’t enjoy what they were doing or felt ineffective, were there opportunities for them to be reassigned to a new task?
  • After the work was finished, did someone thank the volunteers and let them know that what they did was important and effective?
  • Were they thanked for their time and contributions?
  • If they had ideas or complaints, was there an avenue for them to provide input or to make a suggestion?
  • Do they know how to get involved again?  Did you ask them to come back?

What to Tell Volunteers Before the Project

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

When a volunteer agrees to join you for a community project, confirm the project details with them by providing a phone call or e-mail that:

  • Introduces you as the Project Coordinator;
  • Thanks them for volunteering;
  • Provides the date and time of the project, project site address and directions for getting there;
  • Describes what will occur at the project;
  • Lets volunteers know what to wear/ not to wear;
  • Encourages volunteers to bring supplies they may have (i.e. tools, rakes, etc.);
  • Provides contingency plan information (for example in case of rain);
  • Tells volunteers who to contact if they have a change in plans; and
  • Provides parking information.