Posts Tagged ‘Water’

World Water Day: Do Your Part!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Happy World Water Day! It only makes sense that  element that we rely on for life itself should have its very own day. World Water Day was instituted by the United Nations to remind us that much of the world still faces a global water, sanitation and hygiene crisis, and that it is our urgent obligation to act.

This year the theme of World Water Day, March 22, is “Water for Food Security.” 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted or thrown away every year. Cutting that amount by 50% would save 1,350 cubic kilometers of water annually. Agriculture uses 85% to 95% of all water in many developing countries. While we can’t stop consuming food and water altogether, there are a few things we can do to conserve water and honor World Water Day this year.

Participate in one of the many worldwide events People across the globe are coming together tomorrow to recognize the importance of water for food security and educate themselves. Check out the UN’s World Water Day website to find an event near you.

Conserve water If you live in an area prone to droughts, you may already live by these tips! Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth. Adjust your sprinklers so they don’t run in the middle of the day when the sun will simply absorb it. If you have a dishwasher, only run it when the machine is full. If you wash by hand, consider filling one side of the sink to wash in rather than leaving the faucet running. A few simple adjustments can make a world of different on your water footprint!

Conserve food Did you know that most of the water we “drink” is embedded in the food we eat? For example, the production of 1 kilo of beef consumes 15,000 litres of water, while 1 kilo of wheat ’drinks up’ 1,500 litres. Reduce your food waste by paying close attention to the expiration dates on your food, and reducing your meat intake. In the United States, more than 25% of food goes wasted every single year!

Sponsor a water project If you’d like to make a global impact, consider sponsoring a water project. Charity: Water,, and the UNICEF Tap Project are just a few of the many organizations working to provide water to those without. With more than three times more people lacking water than those living the United States, water projects need our support.

Donate your voice Do you use social media? If you have friends and followers, consider loaning some of your social media updates to raise awareness of World Water Day. Social media is a powerful tool, and you may very well incite your friends to action!

Calculate your water footprint Calculate your water footprint with Water Footprint Network’s Quick Calculator; you may be shocked at what you find! Compare and contrast the water footprints of various countries to gain a better understanding of the shortage.

Get your kids involved If you’d like to get your kids involved, be sure to check out our friend, GenerationOn’s, Project of the Month. The cute animal pictures are just a bonus!

How will you act for World Water Day? Let us know in the comments below.