Are YOU a “Battery Charger of the Human Spirit”?

Today’s guest post comes from Shawn Anderson, best-selling author, corporate trainer and national speaker on the topics of “possibility thinking and creating opportunity.”



Bat·ter·y Charg·er of the Hu·man Spir·it (Noun)


1. A person who encourages others to excel and maximize their full potential.  

2. A person who charges the confidence battery of someone who is down, reinforces the confidence level of someone who is uncertain, or applauds the success of someone who is doing well.

Still uncertain?

Here’s a test to see if you fit the “Battery Charger” bill:

1. Do you recognize people’s talents and then empower them to “go for it!”?

2. Are you known as a person who helps others win in life?

Encouraging, motivating, empowering…whatever you want to call it…can make a HUGE difference in the lives of others. In fact, OFTEN…it’s our enthusiasm, interest, and positive affirmations that can 100% make the difference in the thoughts and actions of someone else.

I love the story of how Walt Whitman, long before he became one of America’s most famous writers, was down on his own abilities…and even thought of quitting. Over and over, WW’s writing was met with intense rejection and scrutiny. Even when he tried to publish what eventually became his most famous book, Leaves of Grass, the critics clobbered him with their words. One detractor called his work “nonsense.” Another critic said: “We can conceive of no better reward than the lash.” Walt really began to wonder, Am I good enough?”


And then in a crowd of negativity, there appeared a true hero. A Battery Charger of the Human Spirit, Ralph Waldo Emerson, arrived on the scene. Sent on a seemingly insignificant piece of paper was his simple forty-three word note:

Dear Sir:

I am not blind to the worth of the wonderful gift, Leaves of Grass. I find it the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that an American has yet contributed. I greet you at the beginning of a great career. 

Mr. Emerson, a fellow writer, extended to Walt the most precious of all gifts…encouragement. Known at that time as one of literature’s superstars, RWE had the sensitivity and foresight to send a positive message. With one encouraging note, Whitman was again empowered with the courage to persevere. And in doing so… his destiny was forever changed.

And all because a Battery Charger of the Human Spirit chose to step forward.

Like a dead car battery that needs to be re-connected to another car battery in order to get the “juice” running again, people can be the same. We all know life can be draining, and it’s easy to get down on ourselves, lose our power and think we don’t matter when we experience one rejection after another. But that’s where Battery Chargers of the Human Spirit come in. They pick people up; they re-energize them; they get them running again.

The word “encouragement” literally means “to put courage into someone”. Malcolm Forbes once said, “Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their job.” So why not make it our mission to encourage every one of those potential “people diamonds” around us so that their ultimate potential to shine is given a chance?

So let me ask you again…if you haven’t already…will you think about adding another job title to your calling? Are you ready to be a Battery Charger of the Human Spirit?

How do you charge your spirit? Let us know in the comments!

Shawn Anderson is the the Founder of the Extra Mile America Foundation, a non-profit organization empowering people to “go the extra mile” in life.  In 2011, the Foundation will lead the charge in motivating 200 mayors in all 50 states to declare November 1 as “Extra Mile Day”…a day to recognize those in the local community going the extra mile.

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