Posts Tagged ‘NYPD’

A Day of Service and Remembrance

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

by Jessica Kirkwood, VP for Social Media, HandsOn Network

When the first plane hit the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, I thought it must have been a small, private plane.

I was in a meeting at the HandsOn Network office when I heard the news, but the meeting resumed until the second plane hit the other tower.

One by one, the HandsOn Network and local Hands On Atlanta staff gathered in the conference room to watch the now historic 9/11 coverage unfold before our eyes.

We watched the towers fall in disbelief.

Thinking back to that time, what I remember most are the individual stories  about fathers, husbands and sons,  wives, mothers and daughters.

I remember the tone of voice mail messages left on unanswered cell phones, last declarations of love.

I remember hand made signs seeking those who were missing. “Have you seen…?”

I remember stories about the bravery of individual fire fighters, police officers and volunteers.

I remember thinking about the meaning of the word hero.

I remember the images of bodies falling and of faces covered in fine, white ash.

I remember the candlelight vigils, extreme and overwhelming sorrow and, at the same time, a powerful sense of community fellowship.

So many people the world over grieved together and I remember how that felt. I can feel that memory right at the center of my chest.

This year marks the 9th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001.


I can’t think of a better way to honor those that lost their lives and the families who went on without them than by doing something good for your community.

There is a way that serving others connects us, binds us together.

There’s a power in it, a connective force.

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

What do you remember?

Will you add your name to the to the growing list of individuals and organizations that are pledging to support causes, volunteer, or perform good deeds in observance of 9/11 this year?

Will you be the leader you’ve been waiting for…

Encourage your social networks to spend 9/11 volunteering by sharing this on Facebook or Twitter.  If you share it on your blog, send us a link at and we’ll link to your post!