50 Fun Ways to Volunteer Summer Style

Summer vacation is here, that means it is time to volunteer! Whether you are an individual wanting to volunteer, or a family, summer is the perfect time to introduce community service into your life. Why? Summer means great weather, better moods, and less hectic schedules. It is a great time to be outside being proactive in your community or inside enjoying the air conditioner and helping your neighbors.

Not sure how to get involved? Below is a huge list of ideas to get your summer break started in the social good direction!

  1. Summer reading anyone? Sign up to read a book to children at your local library.
  2. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.
  3. Volunteer at a summer camp as a counselor.
  4. Sign your kid up for Grab the Torch Summer Leadership Camp.
  5. Plant a community garden.
  6. Be a lifeguard at your neighborhood pool.
  7. Sell cold lemonade to your neighbors for free
  8. Bring water to your local dog park on a hot day.
  9. Start a school supply drive for needy children starting school in the fall.
  10. Mentor a child through program such as the Boys and Girls Club
  11. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
  12. Check with your local animal shelter to see if they need dog walkers
  13. Get your child to clean out their room and donate old toys to a children’s shelter or Good Will.
  14. Give blood to the Red Cross
  15. Help clean up a river in your community.
  16. Help a young child or adult learn how to read.
  17. Put a quarter in a jar everyday of the summer and donate your collection to your favorite charity!
  18. Volunteer to clean up an older neighbor’s yard.
  19. Make dinner for a family in need.
  20. Volunteer at your local museum.
  21. Volunteer at your community zoo.
  22. Clean up a nature trail.
  23. Plant a tree or a vegetable garden.
  24. Start a neighborhood watch program to improve public safety.
  25. Make sure your family is prepared for hurricane season.
  26. Hold a garage sale and donate your proceeds to a local charity
  27. Start recycling
  28. Hold a fundraising barbecue for your favorite charity.
  29. Adopt a shelter cat or dog
  30. Make cards for soldiers over seas
  31. Visit a senior in a retirement home.
  32. Teach a class at your local community center.
  33. Teach older adults how to use a computer.
  34. Volunteer at your local Fourth of July celebration
  35. Plant flowers at military cemetery.
  36. Volunteer to drive a senior citizen around
  37. Clean up your local park
  38. Volunteer your services at a nonprofit organization
  39. Volunteer for the Special Olympics
  40. Organize a dog and cat food drive for your local shelter
  41. Volunteer at a summer festival
  42. Join generationOn and Alex’s Lemonade Stand June 8-10 to help raise money for cancer research.
  43. Nominate a volunteer for an award contest.
  44. Register for the National Conference on Volunteering and Service.
  45. Nominate a community do gooder for Scholastic’s BE Big Contest.
  46. Help coach a youth sports team.
  47. Volunteer at a local fair.
  48. Collect cans and donate them to a food bank
  49. Teach English or learn a foreign language
  50. Check out one of our more than 250 HandsOn Action Centers to find an opportunity near you!

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